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August 29, 2011



What were the 4 California cases with ratios in excess of 10-to-1?

Bruce Nye


The two state cases were Simon v. San Paolo Holding Co. (2005) 35 Cal.4th 1159 http://tiny.cc/g8rwf and Amusement Industry, Inc. v. Antin, 2007 WL 1241548 (unpublished, but available here: http://tiny.cc/8sbnd).

The two Federal cases were Mendez v. County of San Bernardino (9th Cir., 2008) 540 F.3d 1109 http://tiny.cc/6k6tp and Glenn v. Cole 2010 WL 2303028 (unpublished but available here: ttp://tiny.cc/l4jvr)

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