I've practiced law in California through several recessions now. But like all of us, I've never lived through, or practiced in, a recession like this one. Yesterday's Los Angeles Times had a good article on how jurors respond when times are tough:
- Even more than usual, they want absolutely no part of jury service;
- People "on the margins of society" are more sympathetic to plaintiffs, and they are seeking a lot of hardship excuses; and
- Quoting one prospective juror: "Money is such an issue and to give money to someone for results of a case, it's really important that they're getting it for a real reason, an important reason."
Los Angeles County Superior Court judges making over $226,000 a year are overseeing jurors getting $15 a day while missing work. It's surprising that there isn't even more resentment and resistance to serve from jurors.
Posted by: Edd | February 17, 2010 at 01:58 AM