Skadden has just issued a "Trends" report on asbestos litigation, which reports, not surprisingly, that California is one of the leading jurisdictions for these cases. Skadden notes that nationwide, the number of filings peaked at 80,000 in 2002, and the numbers are down dramatically. But the drop-off is almost all in non-impaired, less serious claims. Mesothelioma and other cancer claims keep plugging along.
This one surprised me: according to Skadden, there were only forty trials (by which they presumably mean trials to verdict) in 2008. If that's true, it's an astonishingly small number, and kind of a counterpoint to other data, discussed here, indicating that the civil jury trial is becoming a relic of the past. And 90% of the verdicts were for mesothelioma cases.
And, wow, those verdicts: according to Skadden, "The average mesothelioma jury verdict in 2008 was approximately $7 million." (From what we've seen, the verdicts forming the high-end of that equation are coming from California.)
And, predictably, settlements continue to increase. "It is not unusual for a claimant in a mesothelioma case to receive more than $2 million in settlement from the various defendants." Since most settlements are confidential (at least in California), the evidence for this is likely anecdotal, but I don't doubt it for a minute.
And who are those defendants? In many instances, they are not companies who ever considered themselves to be in the asbestos business; that well dried up long ago. Instead, "Formerly peripheral defendants are seeing an increase in the amounts they are paying in settlement."
I think we need to slow down a little bit on Mesothelioma threat. It takes years of asbestos exposure to be actually infected with this disease. Although I agree that we should take precautionary measures but still I believe we are being too paranoid about it.
Posted by: Ali Kiyani | March 24, 2009 at 02:44 AM
Claiming compensation for asbestos exposure might be tough, but attorneys specializing in such areas will definitely help you get your due compensation.
Posted by: Robin Smith | September 24, 2009 at 11:03 PM
Thanks a lot blogger for such a nice blog .Since the asbestos exposure can result in a life full of suffering, medical bills and even lead to premature death. For the relatives of those complaints exposed to asbestos, these complaints and monetary expenses be overwhelming and lasting, especially after the asbestos-related deaths of the individual.
Posted by: Jonathan Paul | October 11, 2009 at 11:31 PM