Well my goodness, it was two years ago today that I launched CalBizLit, passwording the blog for a month or so to see if I was really going to stick with this, then releasing it to the world to see if anybody would read it. And for the most part, I have stuck with it, putting up 169 posts, averaging a comment about every third post, and now pulling over 100 page views with every posting of new content.
The blawgosphere is an incredibly generous community, and within a few days, I was drawing cites from established blawgers including Kimberly A. Kralowec's UCLPractitioner.com, Mike and Mark Walsh's WageLaw and Walter Olson and Ted Frank's Overlawyered.com. And from then on, others out there have been kind and supportive, even when I misread a case and mispelled Kimberly's name in a twenty-four hour period.
Goals / Plans / Hopes for 2009: (1) Lots more posts -- no more weeks going by without fresh content; (2) Guest blawgers; (3) Many more two and three part non-topical substantive reviews of the quirks of California practice. One of those, on the anatomy of a California product liability defense case, starts today. (4) Many more white papers -- I'll put one up on the nuts and bolts of California product liability defense after the series rungs; (5) building a subscriptioin base. You'll see that right across from this post, on the right, is an opportunity to subscribe. If you use it, I promise I won't use it to annoy you and nobody but me will use it to contact you; and maybe even (6) some substantive law podcasts and video. I'm trying to figure out a way to the latter so it's more interesting than just talking heads, and if my ideas pan out, we'll start putting some up.
The mission here is, and will continue to be, education for non-Californian businesses and Californian businesses alike for whom litigation in this state is not an every-day event, to give them some idea of what the unique California legal environment is like and what it holds for them when they find themselves in court. So the overriding goal is to increase the focus on just these issues.
Thanks to the folks who've read CalBizLit so far, and to the other blawgers who've helped bring it to the attention of the rest of the world, at least a little bit. I'll try to see to it that future posts don't annoy or bore anybody or waste anybody's time.
---- Bruce Nye